Saturday, December 29, 2012

Gift Wrap Storage

As promised, now that the big holiday is over, I will now reveal my method for the storage of gift wrapping items.  I don't have a large amount of gift wrapping essentials but I have enough to warrant it's own separate storage bin actually two storage bins well make that four total. I like to store all of my holiday decorating essentials as well as holiday home decor neatly in large storage bins.  Doing so allows me to neatly store boxes / bins in the storage closet until I am ready to use them the next year.

Last year during the infamous after the holidays clearance sales I racked up on holiday essentials for the next years to come...yes next/ many years to come.  I purchased so many wrapping paper rolls (at a steep discount mind you) one would have thought I was wallpapering a house!  I just could not pass up a 90% off sale at the local craft stores and grocery stores alike.  Shelves of ribbons, stickers, holiday cards, boxes and bags all marked very, very cheap.  I am firm believer of get it now while it's cheap or it will be gone or worse yet raised in price a few weeks later.  Plus, not only did I select certain gift wrap rolls that could be used for wrapping birthday, valentines and other holidays on the calendar, the ribbons themselves could be used for numerous things too.  Besides, if I changed my mind on certain items I still had the ability to return those items to the store, so it was a win win in my book.

Anyway, I don't need to hit the clearance sales this year...but I may have to take a peek. Although, I did see some cute ornaments at the Michael's Craft Store and I have been dreaming of one of those pre-lit trees I'm talking about those BIG $400 - $500 trees.  Nabbing one of those pre-lit trees (on deep clearance) would be heaven!

But for now, I will focus on my organized storage of gift wrapping essentials.  Hopefully, by reading this blog post you are able to gather ideas for organizing your own gift wrap storage. My system is rather simple, efficient and organized.  I love containers of all sizes and find using various containers to organize the littlest of holiday decor is beneficial to having a neatly stored gift wrap box.

The first box is my original  Gift Wrap Box I organized a few years ago. I have since expanded my holiday gift wrapping essentials and have three more storage boxes to reveal.  Inside this box I have a clear shoe box container housing tissue paper, another clear shoe box houses ribbons and the smaller clear shoe boxes has gift bows and tags.  In the bottom of the box I have a variety of gift bags in several sizes and there are also packing boxes for heavier items or mailing of packages.

Opening up the storage container you can clearly see how I have wrapping elements stored.  I love clear shoe boxes I use them for organizing items all throughout my home.  I also like using baskets to organize small supplies used in gift wrapping.  I bought this little plastic storage basket at Walmart and it fits perfectly inside my gift wrap box.  It houses my scissors, gift wrapping paper cutters, glue, tape and a sharpie! All of my supplies are neatly stored in this basket and it sit's nicely on my craft table.  And the best part is I NEVER misplace any supplies when I am all in the holiday spirit of wrapping presents.  I just place everything back into the basket after I use it.

Looking at this picture reminds me that I need to buy tape!

On a shopping trip to the Container store I found these mid-sized clear shoe boxes.  I believe the are the kids sized shoe boxes and priced around $2 each.  They work great for storage of smaller decorating elements like I have done here:

Organizational Tidbit:  using smaller clear shoe boxes helps to contain bags of bows or gift tags. Gift tags of various sizes are neatly stored inside this small clear shoe box. I have several of the small sized clear shoe boxes to use for future organizational projects.

Next up on the gift wrap storage list is the important gift bags.  I have a few small gift boxes as well as various size gift bags placed neatly on the bottom of the storage box. Keeping the gift bags nice and flat prevents wrinkles in the paper and besides who want to receive a wrinkled gift?

Organizational Tidbit:  keeping all my packing needs in
one box allows for easy and quick gift wrapping.

So there you have it the storage and organization of the first of four gift wrapping storage boxes.  Now, on to storage box number home decor.  I don't have a TON of holiday home decor for now I really only decorate my crafting space (more on that later) but the holiday home decor I do have is plenty enough to fill this large sized Reisenthal storage box.  I purchased SEVERAL of these boxes earlier this summer during the Container Store's Happy Home Organizing Sale.  Let me tell you these boxes are a-w-e-s-o-m-e because not only to they store virtually anything, they look pretty doing so!  My main intention for purchasing so many of these boxes was the fact that I was overhauling my closet (more on that later too) and wanted uniform, organized and decorative storage.  So in the meantime I am reserving one of the large zip boxes for holiday decor storage.  

Reisenthal storage zip boxes available at the
Container Store in a wide variety of colors and sizes

I removed the holiday elements to show what all is inside.  It doesn't look like much but trust me I have a lot of items packed into this box as well as the pink lid box seen on the bottom right.

The bottom layer consist of a large reusable tote that I use to transport holiday gifts on top 
of that I have my holiday tree bulbs in the original packaging for safe keeping.

I add a layer of bubble wrap on top...just in case.

The pink lid shoe box houses all of my felt ornaments and a few other unique ornaments. 
They all fit perfectly inside the Sterilite Shoe Box. 

Then I add the remaining items (such as boxed holiday cards and stockings) 
which fit perfectly inside the organized box.

Organizational Tidbit: adding a decorative tag helps to further organize the storage bin. 

Organized box number three houses mainly my dishes, such as cocoa mugs, candy bowls and a decorative holiday pillow.  Again I opted to use the Reisenthal zip box from the Container Store.  The size I am using is the medium and works well with storing my holiday breakables.

I like to wrap my breakable items in towels vs. newspaper, this way when contents shift as I am moving the box around on the shelf the glass has a lesser chance of breaking. Plus, I don't end up with newspaper ink on my hands from wrapping so many holiday breakables.

I have a few other holiday items as well stored in this bin.

Organizational Tidbit: adding a tag helps to
 identify the contents inside.
The fourth holiday storage box I am using is the standard old cardboard box.  This box was exactly what I needed to house my gift wrapping rolls.  I just could not locate a bin large enough...well I really did not actively search for one at the stores.  Once I saw this box on the recycle pile of my neighbors I knew it would be perfect for my storage needs!


Just look how neat and organized my holiday gift wrapping and ribbon spools fit inside this very sturdy box.

Organizational Tidbit:  store like items together to maximize the space.
This box is dedicated solely to gift wrap rolls and ribbon.
If space permits I store a few labels as well.

Well this concludes my gift wrap storage post.  In total I have four organized holiday storage boxes.  I will store these boxes in the small closet I organized specifically for seasonal items.

Happy Organizing, Ebby

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